For the uninitiated (all you West Coasties who just have to have your Cameos and Braeburns), the McIntosh is the quintessential New England apple, with a dark reddish skin, tender white flesh, and a pleasing crispness when fresh--additionally, they smell wicked good! For years living on the Left Coast, I have tried each fall to find a reasonably good McIntosh in the local markets, only to be disappointed by mealy middles and no sweet-tart bite. Like fresh haddock, I decided the Mac's place was firmly rooted in the Northeast and it was better to stick to the local varieties.
So, not exactly being in New England at the moment, I was prepared for more shattered apple dreams and broken apple promises. But, with my first bite delivering a resounding pop, I knew I had bit into the apple of my childhood! It seems Sunrise Orchards of Cornwall, VT had delivered!

So, in addition to everything else I am thankful for this week, the humble yet noble McIntosh Apple is high on my list. And I can once again savor it's fragrant, apple-y goodness each fall.