Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Swinging For A Little Bit Longer!

I cast my vote a few hours ago and, yes, it felt good! No lines, no waiting and the Diebold didn't flip my vote so far as I could tell. It seems we're in Swing-State Limbo still for the moment, but things are looking good and Obama is in fact in the lead in what I figured to be this McCain stronghold of southern VA. Mark Warner pulled out a can of whoop-ass on Jim Gilmore for the Senate seat! Woohoo!

In other election news, bummer that Tom Allen couldn't unseat Susan Collins in Maine, but it looks like a few more Senate seats are going to the Dems with Tom Udall, Jeanne Shaheen, and Kay Hagan with early wins!

Hoping the West Coasters got out the vote and we can wrap this thing up as soon as the polls close on that coast!

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