Friday, March 6, 2009

In the South, Winter Ends Abruptly

What a difference a few days make. It was 19 degrees (F) and snowy three days ago and today we were into the shorts zone (for Seattleites this seems to occur when you cross the 58 degree mark). I guess the difference between March snow at 37 degrees latitude and March snow at 47 degrees latitude is that here, we're having spring this weekend and up north they're relegated to 4 more months of winter. Bummer dude. While it all sounds good now, I'm sure I'll be bitching in mid-July when I'm near withering and on the coast of Maine it's a pleasant 78 and breezy!

Anyway, the Salty One and I took the opportunity to watch the sunset and chase some pine cones in the water (I didn't find the ball in the car until my second look). Once the ball was found, she engaged in some very good sand-ball wrangling/pouncing. I'm pretty sure she liked the sunset too.

And, spring may have officially sprung--I just walked out on the deck and heard some Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer) filling the nighttime stillness with their sweet chirps.

Photo: USGS,

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